Sunday, March 6, 2016

I'm jealous of me too

I found this shirt and at first glance I felt some kind of way. I looked at it as being stuck up and conceited. I stood there and thought about the meaning of Jealous--feeling resentment against someone because of that person's rivalry, success, or advantages. I didn't want anyone to resent me or my success but see my success and push them to do better...greater. I wanted to have a healthy rival to share my passion and for us to push each other to be the best at what we do. I thought about the positive work I've been putting into myself and this shirt became just what I needed. I didn't feel stuck up or conceited, I felt empowered. I felt jealous of me too! The old me was jealous of the new me and I loved it. So when you see me in this shirt remind me to keep pushing so that old Tammy can disappear and the new Tammy shines brighter every single day.