Monday, February 29, 2016

No one should want you to be successful more than you!

I was apart of a conversation yesterday and it made questioning myself. The word SUCCESSFUL came up. Someone said they wanted to be successful. The other person asked two questions "why do you want to be successful and what are you doing to make that happen"? Those two simple questions made me pause and ask myself the same thing. We all have used the word successful but I pulled out my smart phone for the definition. Successful-achieving or having achieved success, having attained wealth, position, honors, or the like, resulting in or attended with success. A few days ago I took notice that I wasn't creating like I should. I'd allowed other things to get in the way and pushed me off the road of success. I want to be success but I wasn't working hard at it. I picked myself up off the couch and headed to my desk. I created some earrings and sold one pair the next day!!!

I have friends and family tell me how proud they are of me and my success. I've been told I have million dollars business not because of the money that's coming in but they know what hard work and dedication can do. This made me think of how absolutely no one should see or want you to be successful more than you! Success is not going to fall in your lap. You will have to work long hours, do jobs you don't feel like doing, and make your self known but realize in the end it will all be worth it.

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